DAC Worldwide’s Dual Element, Time-Delay Fuse Cutaway (273-960) is a detailed and professionally-crafted electrical fuse cutaway that depicts a common dual-element, time-delay industrial fuse.
DAC Cutaways
DAC Worldwide's line of industrial cutaways are real-world industrial components that have been restored, cutaway, and refinished using durable urethane coatings.

Successful training must match real-world conditions as closely as possible. DAC's line of industrial cutaways are real-world industrial components that have been restored, cutaway, and refinished using durable urethane coatings. Each of these industrial components has been professionally sectioned to expose each device’s primary components.
On many of DAC Worldwide’s cutaways, functionality has been retained and a hand wheel is provided to demonstrate low-speed manual operation. Each cutaway is mounted on a modular, heavy-gauge steel baseplate and support assembly. For industrial training relevance, common models by well-known manufacturers are chosen.
- Hands-On Experience with Real Industrial Components
- Professionally-Sectioned To Expose Key Internal Components
- Functionality Retained Wherever Possible To Allow Observation of Low-Speed Manual Operation
- Common Models by Popular Manufacturers Chosen for Industrial Training Relevance
Technical Topics
HVAC Cutaways Heat Transfer & Steam Electrical/Electronics Fluid Power Mechanical Drives Oil Production Process Control & Instrumentation Pumps, Compressors & Valves-
Item Number:273-960
Item Number:295-795EDAC Worldwide’s Extended Wellhead Assembly Cutaway (295-795E) depicts the complete assembly of components used in creating a wellhead.
Item Number:778-110DAC Worldwide’s Hydraulic Gear Pump Cutaway, External-Type (778-110) is an industrial hydraulic gear pump that has been sectioned to reveal the inner workings of this component. This exposure allows learners to understand the design, operation, construction, and maintenance of this common process pump used throughout the industry.
Item Number:295-753DAC Worldwide's Floating Ball Valve Cutaway (295-753) is a sectioned valve sample for training in the operating characteristics, construction, and maintenance of industrial floating-type ball valves.
Item Number:200-2082DAC Worldwide’s Fluid Coupling Cutaway (200-2082) is an actual industrial fluid coupling that has been cut away to unveil its primary internal components and to show how it operates.
Item Number:251DAC Worldwide’s Gate Valve Cutaway (251) features an actual industrial gate valve with the complete internal configuration exposed and seal features and hardware locations retained to provide gate valve maintenance training, as well as show how the valve operates and how it is constructed.
Item Number:252DAC Worldwide’s Globe Valve Cutaway (252) takes classroom training in the operation, construction, and maintenance of an industrial globe valve, and enhances it by providing a visual, hands-on learning aide. The fully-detailed examples of industrial downsized valves give learners a first-hand view inside a component that is found in various maintenance applications worldwide.
Item Number:295-708DAC Worldwide's Hammer Union Cutaway (295-708) is a sectioned piping component sample for training in the design, application, use, and safety considerations for hammer unions.
Item Number:373-505This Heat Pump Reversing Valve Cutaway provides a full cutaway view of the reversing valve that exposes the complete internal components and operating principles.
Item Number:373-110DAC Worldwide’s Hermetic Compressor Cutaway (373-110) is an expertly-sectioned example of a common fractional-horsepower refrigeration compressor, which facilitates and supports practical training in compressor design, operating principles, and maintenance.