Implementing the Ideal CTE Lab

Tech-Labs helps create a learning environment that teachers and students will love
Tech-Labs provides training programs with the newest and most innovative training equipment, learning tools, and hands-on experiences with their career and technical educational labs (CTE). High school and community college students will train and prepare for careers in many industries, such as oil and gas, logistics, industrial maintenance, HVAC/R, electrical, and so much more. They will walk you through every step of the way to creating an inviting and exciting lab that current and future students will be intrigued by.
Tech-Labs works to provide the leading CTE labs by collaborating with top industry manufacturers like Amatrol, FANUC, Stratasys and Lincoln Electric to name a few. Students will have an array of different career paths to follow. They offer certification programs, industrial skills training, 3D printers, anatomy models, CNC and robotics training, construction, information technology, STEM, transportation and logistics and welding. There are so many more options available than just a four-year degree and Tech-Labs and their manufacturers are excited to share these opportunities by creating the perfect educational space for you and your students.
The first thing they will do at helping prepare your lab is by consulting with you and learning about the exact plans you have for your learning environment. Next, they will help you and the architects plan the perfect blueprint for your lab. Once your building is complete Tech-Labs will help implement the final preparations for your space with furniture/equipment set-up and training by their manufacturers either on-site or at a training facility. When your lab is complete Tech-Labs will never just walk away, their outside service technicians and inside support staff will provide support for as long as you continue to need it.
A few other things to consider when creating the perfect CTE lab are to be aware of the local industry, see what technical careers are available in your area and create a space geared towards that. Make sure students can have easy hands-on experiences, eLearning programs and keep class sizes small so you can have ample time to help all students. Tech-Labs can also make sure you are up to date on CTE and STEM funding.
By giving students the information and options at going almost immediately into the workforce and quickly start making money you can help continue to allow the manufacturing industry to thrive and grow. When you’re ready to provide the best for your students, let Tech-Labs help you create an industry-leading CTE lab.