DAC Worldwide’s Vertical Coupling/Shaft Alignment Training System Plus (207-PAC) is a heavy-duty, precision learning package that allows for convenient, realistic training in shaft alignment. When paired with a variety of hands-on exercises, the training system creates a complete performance-based course in the maintenance of shaft alignment.
DAC Worldwide

World Leader in Technical Training Solutions
DAC Worldwide has been helping maintenance departments, training professionals, vocational educators, and workforce development specialists with realistic, hands-on training systems for over 35 years.
Whatever your industrial training needs, they have a wide range of products to help. For teaching fundamentals and troubleshooting, their cutaways provide a better understanding of how components actually work. The dissectibles teach essential hands-on skills for disassembly and assembly. The models allow you to explain how the various components of a system work together to create an entire process.
Item Number:207-PAC
Item Number:295-115DAC Worldwide's Vertical Cross-Flow Separator Model (209) is a highly-detailed scale model of a common vertical cross-flow separator used throughout the oil and gas industry, as well as other processing, production, and refining applications.
Item Number:295-101DAC Worldwide’s Vertical Separator Trainer (295-101) is a reduced-scale, three-phase vertical separator that mimics its real-world counterpart by using alternate production stream components, refined oil, air, and water.
Item Number:295-101-PACDAC Worldwide's Vertical Separator Training System Plus (295-101-PAC) is a realistic working demonstration separation system that duplicates the process at a reduced scale using alternate production stream components: refined oil, air, and water.
Item Number:289DAC Worldwide's Vertical Thermosyphon Reboiler Heat Exchanger Training Model (289) is a highly-detailed scale model of a vertical thermosyphon reboiler, supporting training in the operation and maintenance of industrial heat exchangers.
Item Number:203-000DAC Worldwide’s Vibration Analysis Training System (203-000) is a heavy-duty learning package that allows for in-depth training in vibration analysis, using a vibration meter, gear/belt drives, and bearing faults.
Item Number:203-PACDAC Worldwide’s Vibration Analysis Training System Plus (203-PAC) is a heavy-duty learning package that allows for in-depth training in vibration analysis, using a vibration meter, gear/belt drives, and bearing faults.
Item Number:355DAC Worldwide’s Water Tube Boiler Model (355) depicts a highly-detailed scale model of a common water tube boiler in a technically-accurate, professionally-crafted design. The model supports training in the operation and maintenance of industrial boilers found within utility systems in industrial facilities.
Item Number:825-000DAC Worldwide’s Weld Fault Comparison Kit (825-000) is a three-dimensional visual aid with accompanying training materials that facilitates basic training in weld quality and weld fault terminology by accurately depicting and identifying common weld defects.
Item Number:295-703DAC's Wellhead Backpressure Regulator Cutaway (295-703) is a sectioned specialty regulator example for training in the operation, construction, and maintenance of three industrial back pressure regulators (BPRs), as used in gas and oil service in the oilfield.